S01E23 - The Mark Hanford Story
un épisode de la Saison 1 de La Grande Caravane

S01E23 - The Mark Hanford Story

un épisode de la Saison 1 de La Grande Caravane


Flint finds himself in the middle of a family feud that threatens to spill over into a full scale Indian blood war. The trouble starts when Mark Hanford returns home to his father's ranch after receiving a priviledged education in the East. He finds his real mother dead and his father about to take a younger bride who is coming out on Seth Adams' wagon train. When Mark discovers this, he realises exactly what has happened to his mother, sister of the local Indian Chief. It is his father who pushed his mother back to her tribe in favour of the younger woman. Mark Hanford believes the shame his mother felt at having to return to the tribe broke her spirit and led to her death. Mark decides to take on his Indian heritage and disown his father and all he stands for and in so doing take revenge on his father for the death of his mother.


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