Pour un prochain film, un studio hollywoodien a acheté la Loco 33, trésor du rail uruguayen. Si les Uruguayens s'enorgueillisent de cet achat, les vétérans des Amis du rail ne le s...
In Buenos Aires, a few days before traveling to Spain with his beloved wife Liliana Rovira to visit their son Pedro, the leftist Literature professor Fernando Robles is compulsory ...
In 1920, workers from Patagonia, in Southern Argentina, gather around an anarcho-syndicalist society and go on strike, demanding better working conditions. When the situation turns...
“ Le marié qui paume l'alliance : argument super éculé pour romcom hypra grossière, pas aidée par le lourdaud Daniel Hendler. ”— tomsias 9 février 2015
Pour un prochain film, un studio hollywoodien a acheté la Loco 33, trésor du rail uruguayen. Si les Uruguayens s'enorgueillisent de cet achat, les vétérans des Amis du rail ne le s...
In Buenos Aires, a few days before traveling to Spain with his beloved wife Liliana Rovira to visit their son Pedro, the leftist Literature professor Fernando Robles is compulsory ...
In 1920, workers from Patagonia, in Southern Argentina, gather around an anarcho-syndicalist society and go on strike, demanding better working conditions. When the situation turns...