Harold Hobbs doesn't much like that his lazy, sponging and unemployed brother-in-law Claude and his mother-in-law live with him and his wife, Hortense, especially as the in-laws se...
“ A l'origine de la célèbre franchise, avec des Ford T et des voitures hippotractées, à 45 km/h en pointe, moins fast que furious en fait. ”— LaKinopitheque11 décembre 2018
“ Scénario insipide et film de propagande (les USA occupèrent brièvement la Sibérie, le film nous l'apprend). Titre français hors sujet. ”— picozuri15 janvier 2023
Harold Hobbs doesn't much like that his lazy, sponging and unemployed brother-in-law Claude and his mother-in-law live with him and his wife, Hortense, especially as the in-laws se...