In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest...
George Formby plays George Harper, a tavern owner, who works to turn a waitress from her current employer, a rival tavern owner, when Formby falls in love with her.
Ce biopic romancé de 1942 raconte comment deux des hommes les plus remarquables de l'histoire de l'aviation - le concepteur visionnaire du Spitfire, R.J. Mitchell, et son pilote de...
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest...
George Formby plays George Harper, a tavern owner, who works to turn a waitress from her current employer, a rival tavern owner, when Formby falls in love with her.
Ce biopic romancé de 1942 raconte comment deux des hommes les plus remarquables de l'histoire de l'aviation - le concepteur visionnaire du Spitfire, R.J. Mitchell, et son pilote de...