Star Trek : The Next Generation - Chain of Command
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Star Trek : The Next Generation - Chain of Command

Star Trek : The Next Generation - Chain of Command

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Casting de Star Trek : The Next Generation - Chain of Command

Infos sur Star Trek : The Next Generation - Chain of Command

Réalisé par Robert Scheerer et Les Landau

- 1h26 - Science-Fiction
Titre original : Star Trek: The Next Generation - Chain of Command


Tensions rise as a possible Cardassian attack looms, and Picard, Dr. Crusher and Worf are sent on a secret mission to find and destroy suspected biological weapons. The headstrong replacement captain, Edward Jellico, is cold and demanding - to the dismay of the remaining crew. But when Picard is captured by the Cardassians and tortured for information, dismay turns to anger and resistance as Jellico's plans exclude a rescue mission. With his options running out, Picard must fight to save his sanity and ultimately, his life.

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