Sea Hunt was the first television series that centered around underwater adventures. Creator Ivan Tors and star Lloyd Bridges brought skin diving to the public's attention and inspired a newfound interest in the sport. A second syndicated series was produced in 1987-88 in Victoria, British Columbia with Ron Ely ("Tarzan") and T.V. commercial actress Kimber Sissons as his daughter. Underwater filming took place in the Bahamas, or Vancouver studio tanks. There were 22 half-hour episodes.
Infos de la série
Série terminée
États-Unis - 4 saisons, 155 épisodes - Série dramatique, Série action/aventure
Date de première diffusion : 23 septembre 1958
États-Unis - 4 saisons, 155 épisodes - Série dramatique, Série action/aventure
Date de première diffusion : 23 septembre 1958