Kang In-Hyeong

Kang In-Hyeong
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Filmographie de Kang In-Hyeong

  • 1
    If you were me 6
    In this omnibus film series produced by the National Human Rights Commission, Park Jungbum explores relating to the handicapped, Lee Sangcheol and Shin Aga turn their camera on the...
    Ma note :
  • 2
    Fantastic Parasuicides
    un film de Park Soo-yeong, Kim Seong-ho...
    Fantastic Parasuicides is an omnibus film consisting of three short films that come together under the common theme of suicide. The three stories are Hanging Tough, Fly Away Chick...
    Ma note :

Avis sur les films de Kang In-Hyeong

  • Pour l'instant, rien.
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