TV Pirata (Pirate TV) was a weekly Brazilian comedy show aired on Rede Globo between 1988 and 1990, being re-aired monthly in 1992. Some of the writers later went on to form the co...
TV Pirata (Pirate TV) was a weekly Brazilian comedy show aired on Rede Globo between 1988 and 1990, being re-aired monthly in 1992. Some of the writers later went on to form the co...
Irreverent adaptation of great writer Machado de Assis's masterpiece "Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas" ("Brás Cubas's Posthumous Memories"). A dead man tells about his love life an...
“ Adptation au cinéma de la série comique homonyme. On recommandera d'aller voir plutôt la série pour découvrir l'humour brésilien 'normal'. ”— bigbrozer29 août 2019