Pepa Lopez

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Filmographie de Pepa Lopez

  • 1
    un film de Daniela Goto Uehara
    Ma note :
  • 2
    La belle et le pirate
    un film de Miguel Alexandre
    The end of the 14th century. Parents send the eldest son Jan to study in Hamburg, and the youngest - Klaus - to the monastery. No sooner had the children moved away from their home...
    Ma note :
  • 3
    un film de Montxo Armendariz
    A rural drama set in Obaba, a mythical region in northern Spain, where a young filmmaker struggled to capture the feel of the area, which in turn leads to a wealth of self-discover...
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  • 4
    L'est de la brúixola
    un film de Jordi Torrent
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  • 5
    Souvenirs Mortels
    Au cours d'une soirée, Nacho (Gustavo Salmeron), un jeune peintre avant-gardiste, révèle à ses amis sa véritable personnalité : un être cruel et arrogant dénué de toute émotion. Ce...
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  • 6
    un film de Josep Maria Forn
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  • 7
    La Reina anonima
    un film de Gonzalo Suarez
    Anna Luz, a married woman, rethinks her life when she receives the visit of a stranger who claims to be her neighbor from the floor below. His arrival coincides with the entry of a...
    Ma note :
  • 8
    un film de Bigas Luna
    Ma note :

Avis sur les films de Pepa Lopez

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