Die Tote im Goeta-Kanal (Roseanna)
un film de
Die Tote im Goeta-Kanal (Roseanna)

Die Tote im Goeta-Kanal (Roseanna)

un film de
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Casting de Die Tote im Goeta-Kanal (Roseanna)

Infos sur Die Tote im Goeta-Kanal (Roseanna)

Réalisé par Daniel Alfredson

Allemagne, Suède - 1h35 - Thriller, Crime / Policier, Drame
Sortie le 6 octobre 1993


A young American girl is found dead in Gota Kanal, Swedens largest channel. Since there are hardly any clues or evidence at all it seems as if the murder cant be solved. Martin Beck and his men are assigned to the case. Soon they find a likely suspect and together with a police woman they begin a cat and mouse game to catch him. Plot by Mattias Pettersson.

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