The Unchanging Sea
un film de
Satisfaction communauté 66%
The Unchanging Sea

The Unchanging Sea

un film de
Ce qu'en pense la communauté
  • 66%
  • 8 notes

Micro-critique star (picozuri) :
(à propos de The Unchanging Sea)
Sa note :
The Unchanging Sea “ Un beau film dont le personnage principal est la mer qui sépare la femme de son mari. Elle représente aussi le danger, efface les souvenirs. ” — picozuri 27 février 2021

Casting de The Unchanging Sea

Infos sur The Unchanging Sea

Réalisé par David W. Griffith

États-Unis - 0h14 - Drame
Sortie le 5 mai 1910


In this story set at a seaside fishing village and inspired by a Charles Kingsley poem, a young couple's happy life is turned about by an accident. The husband, although saved from drowning, loses his memory. A child is on the way, and soon a daughter is born to his wife. We watch the passage of time, as his daughter matures and his wife ages. The daughter becomes a lovely young woman, herself ready for marriage. One day on the beach, the familiarity of the sea and the surroundings triggers a return of her father's memory, and we are reminded that although people age and change, the sea and the ways of the fisherfolk remain eternal.

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