Eric isn't sure this is the best time to introduce a new line. Rick wants to get Brooke's perspective, but Megan informs them that Brooke is on her way to Paris. Rick suggests setting up a preview to test the Ambrosia line. He wants to show the world that Forrester is back with a new focus and a new attitude. Amber is thrilled when Eric finally agrees. Rick takes Amber to the Café Russe to celebrate. After they toast and express their happiness with their lives, Amber feels a pain in her stomach. Whip assures Brooke that she's made a courageous decision. By leaving the country she'll give her baby and Bridget a life free of scandal. He tries to dissuade Brooke from writing and faxing a letter to Deacon. Whip decides he's just the guy to help Brooke forget about Deacon. Whip calls Deacon and alerts him that Brooke is about to send him a fax. Whip wants him to read it, then shred it up.