S01E07 - Planet of the Frohikes: A Short History of My Demeaning Captivity
un épisode de la Saison 1 de Au coeur du complot

S01E07 - Planet of the Frohikes: A Short History of My Demeaning Captivity

un épisode de la Saison 1 de Au coeur du complot


Our guest reveiwer for this episode is Dan Deckert, from the LGM-over-30 list on Yahoo.com. Thanks Dan, for letting us use your words! Anybody who's read any of my X-Files reviews knows that my favorite episode are the ones that start well-written and come across as a total package. They also know that Vince Gilligan is one of my favorite writers. I've had the bad luck/timing to miss three episodes of TLG this season, so I can't say that Planet of the Frohikes (POTF) is the best episode of TLG that's ever aired. I do feel safe in saying that it is "classic Vince," right up there with Small Potatoes and Bad Blood, IMHO. In case it isn't yet clear, I _really_ liked POTF. I think that the thing that has really set Vince aside as a writer is that he takes his stories absolutely seriously, even when they're intended to be funny. Sometimes the basic concept is really fundamentally strange (Bad Blood and Home Fries stand out as examples of this), but it is always taken completely se


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