S03E10 - It's a Battle Royale
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Beyblade

S03E10 - It's a Battle Royale

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Beyblade


The teams have been selected and the finals are about to begin. Unfortunately Tyson finds himself facing all of his former friends, each part of a team that he will eventually have to ‘blade against. The biggest blow that Tyson receives, is seeing Kai as a member of the Blitzkrieg Boys! After confronting his sullen, ex-teammate, Kai suggests to Tyson that the reason he left is because his old team just wasn’t good enough! Tyson is insulted to the core; even more so when Ray chooses to let Lee face off against Tyson in the first match, White Tiger X versus BBA Revolution! In an attempt to prove his worth, Tyson makes an arrogant demand: he insists on ‘blading the two White Tiger X team members at the same time! Can Tyson and his relatively untrained partner Daichi even hope to succeed?


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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