S09E63 - 7 Aug 1968
un épisode de la Saison 9 de Coronation Street

S09E63 - 7 Aug 1968

un épisode de la Saison 9 de Coronation Street


Convict Frank Riley traps Val. She tells him she has no children and is only just married. The womenfolk gather in the Rovers, not wanting to be on their own whilst the convict is on the loose. Val tries to alert Ena by banging on the water pipes. She is terrified when Peter wakes up and Riley realises she has children. Ken phones Val but Riley refuses to let her answer it, threatening to hurt Peter and Susan. Ena hears the phone ringing and begins to worry. Riley takes a fancy to Val and starts caressing her. Ena raises the alarm. Annie takes charge and Jack phones the police. Riley demands money and clothes from Val. He then tells her he wants something from her. The police move the residents into houses so no one is alone. Val promises that she won't raise the alarm if Riley leaves her alone but Riley sees the police outside. Ken arrives at the Rovers, not knowing anything of what is happening.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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