S02E03 - Peace
un épisode de la Saison 2 de Da Ali G Show (US)

S02E03 - Peace

un épisode de la Saison 2 de Da Ali G Show (US)


In New York to sell book ideas to high-profile publishers and agents, Ali G pitches the following would-be bestsellers: ""A Kiss on the Lips,"" a vibrating book designed to stimulate the mind and more; ""The Lord of the Rings,"" an adaptation of the hit films; an Ali G ""autobiography"" of President Bush; and more. Bruno chats with fashion guru Leon Hall about which celebrities should be kept ""in the ghetto"" or sent on a ""train to Auschwitz""; later, Bruno and ""fashion police"" James Campbell and Randy McLaughlin rate the attire of such Hollywood notables as Renee Zellweger, Peter Jackson and Paris Hilton. Ali G interviews U.S. Olympic president (and former swimming star) John Nabor about the upcoming games in Greece, pondering why there isn't an Olympic competition for world-record events like Tallest Man or Longest Moustache. Borat travels to Nashville and Tucson to ""learn to be country star."" There, he demonstrates a Kazakhstan line dance to willing square dancers, gets songwriting inspiration from country-music legend Porter Wagoner, and tests out a liberating new tune at a local lounge.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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