S01E03 - The Tangled Vines
un épisode de la Saison 1 de Falcon Crest

S01E03 - The Tangled Vines

un épisode de la Saison 1 de Falcon Crest


Pressured by a $50,000 tax bill and short of manpower, Chase desperately tries to pre-sell his grapes before harvest. Angela offers to buy them at below market value. After Gus informs Chase of another buyer, Chase makes a lucrative deal. Angela buys the mortgage on this man's property, forcing him to back down from the deal with Chase. After a bank loan mysteriously falls through, Chase, Maggie, Cole and Vicky decide to burn their bridges and sell the brownstone in New York to raise the necessary money to stay afloat. Cole, in the meantime, is torn between following his dream to become an archaeologist and keeping Chase's dream alive by helping him in the vineyards.


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