Thad discovers Bass in Pawnee Creek and tells Doc and Festus about it. They decided to take a few days to go fishing for Bass and head out. Thad warned them to avoid the buffalo hunters; but they did, of course, run into them. When the clan leader, Argonaut, discovers that Festus is a Haggen things start to deteriorate. It seems that one of his kin married up with one of Festus' second cousins who ran off and left her while she was expecting. The child, Piney, is now nine years old and gravely ill. When Argonaut discovers that Doc is a ""real book learnin' doctor"" he insists that they come to his camp and look at Piney, at gun-point. Doc then meets Addie, the very attractive daughter of Argonaut, who is the clan's pseudo-doctor. Unfortunately, her herbal concoctions are no match for an appendicitis. Doc
has to operate, saves Piney's life, and earns the respect of Addie. Ready to leave and finish their fishing trip, Argonaut disagrees and insists that Doc stay on