S04E06 - Deux hommes et un couffin
un épisode de la Saison 4 de Hercule

S04E06 - Deux hommes et un couffin

un épisode de la Saison 4 de Hercule


Fleeing from Ares' soldiers, Nemesis burst into Hercules' campsite and proclaimed him the father of her sixpmonth-old son, Evander. Then she slipped away, leaving Hercules and Iolaus with the child, who soon demonstrated god-like powers. When they found her again, Nemesis revealed that the child was the son of Ares. The goddess Discord was consumed by jealousy and tried to make off with the baby, but Evander dispatched her over a tower wall. The powerful infant returned himself to the arms of his mother, and after a vicious battle with Hercules, Ares gave up his struggle for the baby.


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