S01E33 - L'histoire du miroir démoniaque - Quand les trois morceaux se réunissent
un épisode de la Saison 1 de Konjiki No Gash Bell !!

S01E33 - L'histoire du miroir démoniaque - Quand les trois morceaux se réunissent

un épisode de la Saison 1 de Konjiki No Gash Bell !!


Kiyo and Zatch accompany Shion to meet a mamodo named Grisor. Grisor reveals that the demonic mirror has the ability to free a person from the Mamodo battles. He explains that the mirrors must be gathered in a mystical ruin nearby. Grisor meanwhile is revealed to be in contact with his book owner Dr. Hakase. Dr. Hakase reminisces about the first time he met Grisor; Hakase was recently kicked out of an institute and Grisor offers to give him power to get revenge on the institute. Grisor leads Kiyo, Zatch, and Shion to the ruins where the three pieces are then combined into one. At that moment, Grisor makes his escape with the mirror.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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