S02E22 - Les Ewoks contre-attaquent
un épisode de la Saison 2 de Les Ewoks

S02E22 - Les Ewoks contre-attaquent

un épisode de la Saison 2 de Les Ewoks


The classic tale of you loving someone but them loving someone else is brought up in this episode as the Ewok Games begin and Wicket falls for the female warrior, Chirita. Meanwhile, Teebo's younger sister, Malani, has grown quite fond of Wicket and attempts to win his heart by proving she's a warrior. But when she is convined to steal the Sunstar under the advise of two slug-type creatures, she fails to see that the two are not assisting her in getting Wicket's affections but rather using the Sunstar to turn the forest moon of Endor into their own paradise - full of mud!


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