S01E16 - The Side Co-Prosperity Sphere
un épisode de la Saison 1 de Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn

S01E16 - The Side Co-Prosperity Sphere

un épisode de la Saison 1 de Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn


Now on the run from the Federation Forces, the Nahel Argama has taken the desperate step of forming a joint front with the Sleeves. Though his crew resist the idea, Otto orders them to allow Frontal aboard the ship, in an attempt to learn his true intentions. Mineva likewise asks Frontal what he would do if he obtained the Box, and he reveals his idea of forming a Side Co-Prosperity Sphere that would strengthen the economic ties between the Moon and the Sides, excluding Earth and weakening the Federation. The disappointed Mineva predicts that this would result in further tragedies, but nonetheless she tells Frontal that the final coordinates for Laplace's Box are at Industrial 7's Magallanica. Meanwhile, Riddhe has received the Banshee Norn from Alberto, and he sets off in pursuit of the Unicorn Gundam.


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