S04E16 - L'emblème du festival
un épisode de la Saison 4 de Pokémon

S04E16 - L'emblème du festival

un épisode de la Saison 4 de Pokémon


Breaking for lunch at a spot in the forest, our heroes notice a nearby Wobbuffet and begin to look around for it's co-horts, Team Rocket! Although there's no sign of Team Rocket, everywhere they look there are more Wobbuffet popping up. The gang follows them to Wobbuffet Village and finds out the village is about to have their annual Wobbuffet fair. Due to festival rules, our heroes aren't able to help when a gang of punks and their Pokémon try to ruin the fair. Team Rocket are the only one's in a position to help. Will they come to the town's aid because they have a Wobbuffet of their own?


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

Autres épisodes de la saison

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