S45E20 - Bert's Sign Painting Challenge
Page: A painter, Vincent Van Stop, is looking for a new assistant on Sesame Street to help him paint his famous signs and Bert would like the job, but first he will have to take Vincent Van Stop's Painting Challenge! It's a test to see if Bert will be able to paint a sign like Vincent Van Stop. This is terrible for Bert because every time he takes a test he gets nervous.
Bert's first challenge is to paint the sign ‘Road,' but Bert paints the word ‘Poad' instead. Chris explains that Bert just confused the letters R and P, so Vincent Van Stop gives him another chance to paint the sign ‘Restroom'. Chris suggests that Bert look at the letters carefully and remember that the letter R has a little line and the letter P has no little line. But Bert makes the same mistake again.
Vincent Van Stop agrees to give him one last chance. Bert is really not sure he'll be able to paint the last sign correctly. Chris reassures Bert and explains that if he feels nervous, he needs to take a deep breath to calm down and repeat to himself that the letter P has no little line and the letter R has a little line. For the last sign, Bert needs to paint ‘Randy's Russian Restaurant.' Can Bert do it? Tune in to find out.