Caitlin learns from the doctor that the car accident didn't only kill her baby, it also made her infertile. Meg talks to Mark about Ben's hate towards Maria. Ben talks to Charles, who advices him to declare Maria dead, so he could finally have peace with Meg. Meg overhears Charles talking about the life insurance policy that Ben took out on Maria but leaves before she hears Ben say that he only wants to declare Maria dead so that he can be free to marry the woman he loves, Meg. Vanessa tried to no avail to get more information on Virginia from Tyus. Tyus said he'd rather find out more about Vanessa. He was impressed when he recognized her father's name as a Nobel Prize winning journalist. When he asked about her mother, Vanessa said very little and excused herself to leave. When Paula told Elaine that she would be testifying against Ricardo, Elaine surprised her with the news that she would be testifying as a character witness for Ricardo. Ricardo told Gabi that he needed to talk to her. Gregory was shocked when he learned that it wasn't Cole's body that was found at the crash site. Cole must be alive.