S02E16 - Look What I Made
un épisode de la Saison 2 de Tibère et la Maison bleue

S02E16 - Look What I Made

un épisode de la Saison 2 de Tibère et la Maison bleue


At the Big Blue House, Bear finds that his friends are all making inventions. Tutter has decided to create a "mouseapult," hoping to reach the cheese drawer more easily. He finds that it still has some kinks to work out. Ojo and Treelo create a device called an "everything machine." It's just pretend, but it's still a lot of fun. Additionally, Bear finds that Pip and Pop's ball is stuck in a tree, but he finds that he's not quite tall enough to reach it. He ends up inventing a ball-grabber device, but it turns out to be more of an "everything-grabber." In the Shadow segment, Shadow tells the story of Yankee Doodle, or tries to anyway. She finds, though, that Yankee Doodle has different ideas about the type of animal he should be riding on and what he sticks in his hat. Songs ■Look What I Made Notes ■Treelo appears at the end of the episode, flexing Bear's "everything-grabber" and saying "grabby grabby." During the closing credits, the dog in the Shadow Projects logo also says this in Treelo's voice.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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