S04E07 - Show and Tell
un épisode de la Saison 4 de Tibère et la Maison bleue

S04E07 - Show and Tell

un épisode de la Saison 4 de Tibère et la Maison bleue


Ojo is in a hurry for Tutter to get home from Mouse School so that they can play their favorite game, Cave Explorers. Bear goes to pick Tutter up and finds out that Tutter has an assignment --- everyone at Mouse School is to give a show-and-tell of their favorite thing on Monday. Tutter considers it a big responsibility and is eager to get started, even though Bear notes that he has all weekend to work on it. Tutter gets so caught up in the project that he tells Ojo he doesn't have time to play cave explorers. Ojo becomes upset and feels that all Tutter ever talks about anymore is school. Meanwhile, Bear plans for a relaxing day at the Big Blue House, but is distracted by a leaky faucet. Songs My Favorite Stuff The Best Thing (My Favorite Stuff reprise) Notes Watch Bear's reactions during Tutter's over-the-top song about his favorite stuff. At various points, he cleans out his ear and gives odd looks.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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