S02E10 - New York's Shiniest
un épisode de la Saison 2 de Tortues Ninja

S02E10 - New York's Shiniest

un épisode de la Saison 2 de Tortues Ninja


Shredder learns that the police have created a robotic cop and he plans to steal it and make clones. April gets a tip about the new experimental cop Rex-1 and breaks into the lab with her news camera for an exclusive story. When she activates the remote control device that commands Rex-1, she makes a friend for life. April leaves the lab only to be followed by Rex-1 who informs her that she is his controller and the he is designed to serve and protect her. April soon becomes weary of his protection, but Rex-1 soon becomes a vital asset when Shredder unleashes his army of robot cops on the city...


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