S10E07 - The Day the Earth Disappeared
un épisode de la Saison 10 de Tortues Ninja

S10E07 - The Day the Earth Disappeared

un épisode de la Saison 10 de Tortues Ninja


With the city breaking apart, the Turtles head to the street to investigate and see the Dreggnaut appear in the sky. They are attacked by bat-men and Dregg himself, but manage to escape. But Dregg already has a plan and, with Mung's help, reprograms the transporter to open a warp in space. According to Donatello, this warp will grow large enough to swallow Earth in two hours, sending the planet to Dimension X. The Turtles and Splinter try to put a stop to Dregg's plan, but get sucked in and separated: Leonardo and Donatello land on a planetoid and Michelangelo and Raphael on another world. Splinter, however, arrives onto the Dreggnaut and tries to override the transporter controls, but has to battle the bat-men. Back at the Lair, April tries using the computer to stop the portal, but it continues swallowing the planet. When the Turtles appear on the Dreggnaut, however, Splinter transports the warp within the ship and causes it to be destroyed. The Turtles and Splinter escape,...


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