S04E09 - Witness for the Prosecution
un épisode de la Saison 4 de Un drôle de Shérif

S04E09 - Witness for the Prosecution

un épisode de la Saison 4 de Un drôle de Shérif


Rome is in a flutter when Mayor Bey announces that the Pope himself is coming to visit the town. It's a day of celebration as His Holiness arrives, but the walk down main street ends in chaos when someone in the crowd opens fire, killing a man. The resulting investigation reveals the death was suicide, according to the dead man's gay lover... until the Pope announces he saw the whole thing and that it was, in fact, murder. The court case that follows threatens to end Judge Bone and Wambaugh's tempestuous friendship for good.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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