S1953E11 - Plywood Panic

S1953E11 - Plywood Panic


Milford the pig gets the mail and informs Paw that the family has won a brand new house after Maw and Paw have accumulated a million boxtops. Their joy turns to frustration when they learn the catch: the house is prefabricated, and they must put the entire house together themselves. With the family's intelligence (especially Paw's competence), this isn't an easy task. Examples: Paw is shrouded in measuring tape when Milford lets go too suddenly. When Maw carries a board, it starts vibrating to the point where it carries her into the air, dropping her into the washing machine (Paw thinks that he's watching Maw on TV). Finally, the house is finished, and the family moves inside. Unfortunately, Paw steps on a loose floorboard, causing the house to disassemble into a pile of rubble.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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