Showdown at Boot Hill
un film de
Showdown at Boot Hill

Showdown at Boot Hill

un film de
Ce qu'en pense la communauté
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  • 2 notes

Micro-critique star (Torrebenn) :
(à propos de Showdown at Boot Hill)
Sa note :
Showdown at Boot Hill “ En 1958, Charles Bronson s'applique à se rendre indispensable sur la scène du Western, par le truchement de quelques Séries B honnêtes. ” — Torrebenn 30 octobre 2017

Casting de Showdown at Boot Hill

Infos sur Showdown at Boot Hill

Réalisé par Gene Fowler Jr.

États-Unis - 1h11 - Western
Sortie le 1 mai 1958


Bounty hunter Luke Welsh arrives looking for a wanted man. When that man draws on him he has to kill him. To collect his reward he needs a statement identifying him. But the man was well liked in town and no one will sign such a statement. When he outdraws another man who thought he was faster, some townsmen decide he should be killed and they organize a mob to go after him.

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