S03E23 - The Threat
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Dynastie

S03E23 - The Threat

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Dynastie


A scandalous newspaper headline implicates Congressman McVane with a young girl in Washington; he realizes Alexis orchestrated his downfall. Kirby finds she is pregnant; Adam is alarmed to learn that his former physician, Dr. Billings, lS soon due in Denver for a convention. Krystle and Alexis argue over Fallon, and the discussion quickly disintegrates into a brawl: The two fall into the lily pond flailing and punching. Blake approaches and pulls them apart, likening the women to 'common mud wrestlers.' Humiliated, Krystle packs her bags and checks into La Mirage. Alexis demands Joseph drain the pond and retrieve the diamond earring she lost in the scuffle, and threatens to tell Kirby the truth about her mother if he does not cooperate. A ruined McVane appears in Alexis' office after hours and threatens to kill her.


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