S07E04 - The Big Bang
un épisode de la Saison 7 de Falcon Crest

S07E04 - The Big Bang

un épisode de la Saison 7 de Falcon Crest


When Richard Channing and John Remick offer to help Maggie pay off Angela, each plays dirty to make sure that he will be the one to whom she is indebted. When Angela sends Lance and Dan to investigate Emma's new job, she is too late. Vickie not only tells Maggie that she is pregnant, but also confesses Eric's gambling mania. Dina is seriously injured in a car accident with Lance. While Maggie and Richard visit his new Nevada property, they are unaware that they are under surveillance. Consequently, they return home to face Angela's demand for payment.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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