S07E14 - Hornet's Nest
un épisode de la Saison 7 de Falcon Crest

S07E14 - Hornet's Nest

un épisode de la Saison 7 de Falcon Crest


Angela takes advantage of Richard's absence to get closer to her grandson and Maggie, while Richard and Eric search for Vickie overseas. Richard seeks the help of a beautiful party leader to help him rescue Vicky, but must use strong tactics and blackmail to get her cooperation. When Dan tries to help Carly, Melissa lacks the patience to deal with the wild young woman who could threaten her happiness. Emma's kindness makes her prey for a scheming couple. Shannon thinks she might find happiness with Lance, but her past again interferes. Angela anticipates that all of her own wishes will soon come true.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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