S04E08 - Bird by Bird with Annie
un épisode de la Saison 4 de Independent Lens

S04E08 - Bird by Bird with Annie

un épisode de la Saison 4 de Independent Lens


From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Freida Lee Mock ("Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision") comes this engaging portrait of the best-selling author and laugh out loud humorist Anne Lamott ("Bird by Bird," "Operating Instructions," "Crooked Little Heart," "Traveling Mercies," "Blue Shoe"). The moving story of a survivor and an iconoclast, the film follows Annie through a year of writing, teaching and mothering. Lamott, a recovering alcoholic and single mother who is both a born-again Christian and liberal activist, shares her unique insights on such universal concerns as loss, alienation, bad hair days, loneliness, creativity, motherhood, unfirm thighs, faith and the meaning of life.


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