S02E23 - Quel cauchemar
un épisode de la Saison 2 de Sailor Moon

S02E23 - Quel cauchemar

un épisode de la Saison 2 de Sailor Moon


Mamoru is plagued by dreams of the harm that will come to Usagi. He continues to avoid her, hoping that the danger will pass as long as he stays away. When he pretends to have another girlfriend, both Usagi and ChibiUsa are shocked. ChibiUsa runs out to try and find him, and Usagi drowns her miseries with food. Calaveras and Petz track down ChibiUsa and are about to attack when Sailor Moon appears to challenge them. They release a droid that puts Sailor Moon in a deep sleep. When the other Warriors arrive, the evil sisters flee. Unfortunately, nothing can waken the sleeping Sailor moon. She is caught in a never-ending dream, doomed to chase Mamoru but never catch him. Luna runs off to fetch Mamoru when she realzies that he is the only one who can save Sailor Moon. He wakes her with the kiss of true love. Once awake, Sailor Moon easily defeats the droid. However, she is unable to get Mamoru back.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.

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