In the debut of ""Make a Monster,"" Dr. Frankenstein (Colin) and Igor (Greg) create two monsters: Ryan (with the head of John Wayne, a leg from a soccer player and a leg from a Rockette, and arms from the robot in Lost in Space) and Wayne (with the head of Sammy Davis Jr., big chicken legs, and arms from a woman and Muhammad Ali), culminating in Ryan and Wayne serenading to each other; ""Scenes from a Hat"" are ""things you don't want to hear in the dark"" and ""what slasher movie villains are thinking while they're waiting in the dark""; Colin anchors ""Weird Newscasters"" alongside a coanchor politician filming a smear campaign advertisement against his opponent, Drew Carey (Greg), a sportscasting frat boy doing a series of outrageous stunts to impress his drinking buddies in the front row (Wayne), and a weatherman reenacting the rise and fall of a 1940s boxer (Ryan); ""Hats"" gives examples of the world's worst dating service video, with various cheap Halloween masks mixed in among the other he