Oklahoma! is a 1999 musical film directed by Trevor Nunn, choreographed by Susan Stroman, and starring Hugh Jackman as Curly McLain, Josefina Gabrielle as Laurey Williams, and Maur...
Rose Marie Lemaitre (Ann Blyth), an orphan living in the Canadian wilderness, falls in love with her guardian, Mike Malone (Howard Keel), an officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted P...
In New York, a surly, down-on-his-heels playwright meets a country girl who's giving up trying to act and returning home. He goes with her for inspiration when his agent convinces ...
Sunny est un adolescent, qui rêve de devenir cornac. Mais son vieux maître, Boon, refuse de lui laisser sa chance. De plus, la mécanisation de l'industrie forestière contraint l...