S10E09 - Requins en Danger
un épisode de la Saison 10 de Alerte à Malibu

S10E09 - Requins en Danger

un épisode de la Saison 10 de Alerte à Malibu


Jessie is unhappy that some men are killing sharks. She eventually confronts the men and is actually slapped for her efforts. Later,she,Dawn,Allie,and Kekoa show up for a traditional Hawaiian ceremony. The women cheerfully put on crowns,leis,and sarongs over their bikinis. But then Kekoa informs them that they must remove their bikini tops! The women are hesitant,but then they cover themselves with many leis. Then,one-by-one,each girl unties her bikini top and takes it off. They perform a hula dance. With the background music,its actually a beautiful scene. At the end,Jessie is still down about the men killing the sharks. Mitch goes skydiving with her. Jessie has a big smile on her face.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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