S03E25 - Corporate Raiders from Dimension X
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja

S03E25 - Corporate Raiders from Dimension X

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja


All over the city, high ranking corporate executives are being kidnapped by men in business suits, but the Turtles don't get involved until they learn that one of these corporations is the world's largest suppliers of pizza. The Turtles charge into action by staking the T.I.H.C. (THE INCREDIBLY HUGE CORPORATION) which has yet to be "hit." They do not wait long in vain. Within moments, a black limousine pulls up in front of the TIHC Headquarters and from within it disembark four men in suits carrying laser rifles. The Turtles try to stop them, but are thwarted by their laser blasts. However, one of the Turtles was able to recover a briefcase belonging to one of the businessmen. When opened, it reveals documents with the name Octopus Inc. The Turtles recruit Casey Jones to infiltrate the Headquarters of Octopus Inc. so that they will have a better understanding of what they are up against, but while staking out the TIBD (THE ITTY BITTY CORPORATION) and waiting to hear from Casey...


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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