S03E42 - Mr. Ogg Goes to Town
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja

S03E42 - Mr. Ogg Goes to Town

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja


While searching for a device to transform crude oil into liquid hydrogen, which he needs to run the Technodrome, Krang accidentally brings Mr. Ogg from Dimension Z to earth. Mr. Ogg has the power to transform anything into anything he wishes. While Mr. Ogg is in the Technodrome he discovers Shredder's quarters. Shredder has a collection of antique vases. Ogg has a taste for old porcelain and eats all of Shredder's collection. By the time Shredder finds him it is too late. Ogg wants to know where he can get more porcelain and that gives Krang an idea on how to get the Turtles back and get his formula for the oil. He tells Ogg that he would go get more porcelain for him, but they have been cast out by the Turtles. They are doomed to stay underground. Ogg feels bad for them and says he'll get whoever it is that did that to them. Krang tells Ogg that if he can get a formula to trasnform oil into liquid hyrogren, Krang will tell him where he can get all the porcelain he has ever wanted...


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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