S03E46 - The Big Break-In
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja

S03E46 - The Big Break-In

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja


Now successfully re-energized, The Technodrome begins moving towards the surface, Krang sends for a miniaturizer from Dimension X, with it he can shrink anyone and anything that stands in his path, immediately, he uses the device to shrink all of the nearby military bases, therefore making the planet defenseless once he takes the Technodrome to "higher ground" The Turtles, knowing that they and the planet will be in hot water if shredder and krang take the machine to the surface, decide to break into the machine itself, and try to sabotage it. Under attack from rock steady, bebop, and Krang, the Turtles realize that taking out the machine won't be an easy task. April, in the meantime, shows up to cover the mystery of the missing bases, although she's at the right place, she's here at the wrong time. The Technodrome suddenly surfaces, and heads in the direction of the reporter. The Turtles however, manage to gain control of the miniaturizer, and, with just seconds left before April...


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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