S03E26 - Pizza By the Shred
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja

S03E26 - Pizza By the Shred

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja


Michelangelo is depressed because he has no money to buy a "Belly Board" when he sees a TV advertisement of a new pizza parlor called: WEIRD PIZZA TO GO. He figures that he can get a job there and, after a few nights delivering pizzas, he will have enough money to buy his board. What he doesn't realize is that Shredder owns the WEIRD PIZZA parlor and his scheme is to capture the Turtles when they order a really weird pizza. Michelangelo, disguised as an ugly human, is hired for the delivery boy position when he tells Shredder that he has a car. What he has, is the Nutrinos' Star Cruiser, which he "borrows" while Donatello is working on it. What Mikey doesn't know is that there are no air brakes. Unfortunately, for him, he discovers this during his deliveries.


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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