S03E45 - The Big Rip-Off
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja

S03E45 - The Big Rip-Off

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Tortues Ninja


In a last ditch attempt to gain power for the Technodrome, Krang Sends Rocksteady and Bebop to steal a newly created set of energy modules from a hi-tech science lab located at Fort Charles. But the bungling duo are halted by a super-computer, CY-CLOMPS, which is protecting the modules. Not one to be denied his spoils, Shredder re-programs CY-CLOMPS from the technodrome, and commands it to trap April (present at the lab to do a live broadcast) in an airtight vault! When the Turtles arrive at the scene, they find themselves locked in combat with various robots and defences activated by CY-CLOMPS to prevent them from reaching April. The turtles eventually succeed however in pulling CY-CLOMP'S plug , and they rescue the reporter. However, whilst the turtles were locking horns with CY-CLOMPS at Fort Charles, Shredder was able to locate another lab, which contained a similar set of energy modules, and quickly aqquired them, The Technodrome is re-energized and now has enough power to rise...


  • Pour l'instant, rien.


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